OZ Collet Holders-BT(MAS403)Shank

OZ holder inner hole use single-side band 1/10 angle thick wall design,clamping is up to three times more powerful than ordinary ones,Suitable for rough milling ,drilling,reaming,taping and so on.because of the extraordinary clamping power ,it is especially suitable for rough processing.The nut that is used with steel ball rolling mechanism,reduce the collet wear,which improve the clamping power.

  • Information

OZ holder inner hole use single-side band 1/10 angle thick wall design,clamping is up to three times more powerful than ordinary ones,Suitable for rough milling ,drilling,reaming,taping and so on.because of the extraordinary clamping power ,it is especially suitable for rough processing.The nut that is used with steel ball rolling mechanism,reduce the collet wear,which improve the clamping power.

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